2024-2025 MPQG UFO Challenge
Let’s “WIP” out those “UFOs”!
✓ Do you have works in progress (WIPs), projects in grocery sacks (PIGS) or
unfinished objects (UFOs) you'd really like to finish?
✓ Did you miss out on the Guild UFO Challenge last year?
✓ Do you still have UFOs from last year's Challenge?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, now is your chance to sign up for the
2024-2025 MPQG UFO Challenge!
Challenge Guidelines:
• The Challenge is open to all Guild members.
• $15.00 donation to enter.
• The Challenge starts September 1, 2024. Completed UFOs must be finished by August 4, 2025 at
6:30 PM to be eligible to win.
• All projects must be in progress at the time you sign up (e.g., fabric purchased, fabric cut, blocks
pieced, quilt top pieced, etc.).
• The project can be a quilt, wall hanging, table topper, wearable art, or another unfinished
sewing project. Projects must have a minimum size of 18" in at least one direction for quilts,
wall hangings, or table toppers.
• Finished projects must be on your form to be eligible for tickets and prizes.
• Tickets are awarded for entering the Challenge and for finishing projects. Bonus tickets are
awarded for older projects, projects donated to Community Outreach, and for finishing all your
How do I win tickets?
• 5 tickets for signing up
• 5 tickets for each finished project
• 1 bonus ticket for each decade the project went unfinished (e.g., project started in 1988 and
finished in 2023 = 5 decades = 5 bonus tickets)
• 10 bonus tickets if the project is donated to the Guild’s Community Outreach Program
• 20 bonus tickets if you finish all your UFOs by August 4, 2025
How do I win prizes?
This year, there are three opportunities to win a prize at our Guild meetings:
• Monthly Drawing: Prizes will be given away at monthly Guild meetings. Prizes include gift
certificates, fabric bundles, notions, books and more.
• Monthly Dice Challenge: Starting in September a dice roll each month will determine the project to work on for the coming month. For example, if we roll a "3" on the dice, you have that month to finish project #3 on your list. If you finish by the next Guild meeting, you are guaranteed to win a prize.
• Grand Prize: The Grand Prize will be given away at the August 4, 2025 Guild meeting. The more tickets you earn, the more chances you have of winning.
Instructions for Entering:
• Download and complete the fillable PDF form with:
✓ Name, email address, and phone number
✓ Project Name, Description and Current Progress of Project
• Submit the forms via email or in person at Guild meetings. The last day to submit forms to be
eligible for prizes is Monday, November 4, 2024. Keep a copy of the form(s) for your records.
• $15 donation can be paid online at the MPQG website, in person at the Guild meetings, or by
mailing a check, payable to MPQG, to Laura Lawrence.
• Post pictures of your finished projects on Instagram and tag @montereyquiltersguild.
Email me at lauramlawrence@gmail.com or call/text (831) 578-4824.
Happy Sewing!
Laura Lawrence
Activities Coordinator
The following links will lead you to resources for goods, services, and knowledge.
Nancy Bavor, Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles www.quiltworth.com, quiltworth@gmail.com
Hambrook's Auction Center, auction sales www.hambrooks-auction.com
Bay Quilts http://bay-quilts.shoplightspeed.com
Family Threads www.FamilyThreads.org
The Last Stitch, long arm quilting www.laststitchquiltingdesignstudio.com
Monarch Knitting www.monarchknitting.com
Nimble Thimble www.nimblethimble.com
RoJenDesigns www.rojendesigns.com
Guidelines for Documenting Your Quilts www.lostquilt.com
Bernina www.bernina.com
Christine Porter Quilts (Conferences in England) www.christineporterquilts.com
Leah Day (The Free Motion Quilt Project) www.daystyledesigns.com
Empty Spools Seminars www.emptyspoolsseminars.com
Beginner's Guide to Quilting http://www.bettertextures.com/beginners-guide-to-quilting.php
67 Quick Tips for Quilters http://www.quiltblockofthemonthclub.com/quilting-hints-and-tips.php
Home Advisor - General Sewing How-To Info http://www.homeadvisor.com/r/home-hobbies-sewing-resources/#.WBo0KXeZP4c
Abby's Reflection Apparel & Quiltworks (Alaskan theme products) www.abbysreflection.com
Always Unique Hand Dyed Fabric www.AlwaysUniqueFabric.com
Artistic Artifacts (New and Vintage Supplies for Fiber & Mixed Media Artists) www.artisticartifacts.com
Back Porch Fabricswww.backporchfabrics.com
Bay Quiltshttp://bay-quilts.shoplightspeed.com
Big Horn Quilts www.bighornquilts.com
birch FABRICSwww.fabricworm.com
Changing Tides (Alaskan theme products)www.alaskastitches.com
Dharma Trading Companywww.dharmatrading.com
Family Threadswww.FamilyThreads.org
Hancocks of Paducah www.hancocks-paducah.com
Kaffe Fassett www.gloriouscolor.com
Keepsake Quiltingwww.keepsakequilting.com
Nimble Thimblewww.nimblethimble.com
Not Just QuiltZ (Aboriginal fabrics)www.notjustquiltz.com
Skye Batiks (Celtic batiks)www.skyebatiks.com
Thai Silkswww.ThaiSilks.com
WebFabrics www.webfabrics.com
Holly Casey Quiltswww.hollycaseyquilts.com
The Last Stitchwww.laststitchquiltingdesignstudio.com
The Quiltin Ladywww.thequiltinlady@redshift.com
Sew Happymacnur@gmail.com
Steve Clizbe screaming09eagle@att.net
Britex www.shopbritexnotions.com
Lacis www.lacis.com
Martelli Notions www.martellinotions.com
Nancy's Notionswww.nancysnotions.com
Madonna Needleworkswww.MadonnaNeedleworks.com
Monarch Knitting www.monarchknitting.com
Redrock Threads www.redrockthreads.com
Superior Threads www.superiorthreads.com
Fire Mountain Gemswww.firemountaingems.com
Fusion Beadswww.fusionbeads.com
Monarch Knittingwww.monarchknitting.com
Oriental Trading Companywww.orientaltrading.com
Whim Beadswww.whimbeads.com
Abby's Reflection Apparel & Quiltwork (Alaskan theme products)www.abbysreflection.com
Back Porch Fabricswww.backporchfabrics.com
Book Database Reviewhttps://media.rainpos.com/5018/book_database.pdf
C&T Publishingwww.ctpub.com
Changing Tides (Alaskan theme products)www.alaskastitches.com
Creative Quilting - London Calling Quilt Patternwww.creativequilting.co.uk
Family Threadswww.FamilyThreads.org
Monarch Knittingwww.monarchknitting.com
Nimble Thimblewww.nimblethimble.com
Quilting Artswww.quiltingarts.com
Quilt Guilds/OrganizationsLocal, UFO exchange, MQG, Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), The International Art Quilt Challenge
MagazinesQuilting Arts, Machine/Modern Quilts Unlimited, Quiltmaker
Online - ArtCallforEntries www.artcallforentries.com/Project Quilting/Persimmon Dreams, Facebook Group: Challenge Quilts, Electric Quilts
Fabric CompaniesCherrywood, Hoffman, American Made Brand, Michael Miller, Riley Blake, Free Spirit, Keepsake Quilting
TelevisionWisconsin Public Television
Quilt ShowsQuiltCon, Quilt Expo
CharityProject Linus
Friends, Fellow Guild MembersFollow Mel Beach via Facebook or her Newsletter (www.melbeachquilts.com, or pieceloveandhappiness.blogspot.com)
Jeanne Mills Tours (France) www.jeannemillstours.com
Quilt Shop Navigator www.myqsn.com
Quilting Hub www.QuiltingHub.com
The Cotton Patch www.quiltusa.com
Eddie's Quilting Bee www.eddiesquiltingbee.com
Judy's Sewing Center www.judyssewingcenter.com
More Than Sewing (Sewing Machines, Repairs, Parts), 831-758-6429
Nimble Thimble www.nimblethimble.com
Moo www.moo.com
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Pines & Needles
MPQG Annual BOM Archives:
2022-2023 'What Goes Around Comes Around'
October 2022: Beggar's block
November 2022: Aunt Mary's Double Irish Chain
December 2022: Concord
January 2023: Water Wheel
February 2023: Mariner's Compass
March 2023: Milkmaid's Star
April 2023: Good Cheer
May 2023: Skyrocket
June 2023: Red Cross Quilt
July 2023: Lucky Star
August 2023: Weathervane
September 2023: Hanging Basket

UFO Challenge