Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild

Barbara Lockwood is planning to drive to SoCal on February 22 and deliver quilts to a distribution location.
Ways to donate:
* MPQG Sewcial’s new date is Thursday, February 13 - 10am - 2pm at Oldemeyer Center in Seaside (Note: This is one week earlier than our typical monthly Sewcial)
* Donate any Quilt 42”x 60” (or larger). (Please measure quilt and write the size on blue tape or attach piece of paper)
* Drop off quilts at these locations :
- Sewcial — on February 13 - we will also be working on binding any tops
- Back Porch Fabrics — by February 16 - place quilt in bag with Fatima or Joan written on bag
- Joan’s house — by February 20

Our Pines & Needles Newsletter arrives via email by the 25th of the prior month. Pines & Needles includes information about meetings, workshops, the latest guild news, reports from board members, and a calendar of other quilt-related events. Please use the form below to
receive the monthly newsletter.

About Us
The purposes of the MPQG are to preserve the heritage of the beauty, diligence and love embodied in those quilts that have been handed down to us; to acknowledge and encourage a concern for the excellence of design and craftsmanship as we perpetuate this American Folk Art; to become a source of information, education, and inspiration; to further the personal rewards of companionship among quilters sharing a common interest.